About Us
Our Mission
Our Strategy
Deploy strategic long-term capital in accordance with our guiding principles. Our strategy begins now.
Guiding Principles
Veteran Led
Veterans understand deeply the sacrifices made for our land. And given so many service disabled veterans, we have to ask if the government even has the healing tools necessary to validate the lives of all the men and women who served.
We must start over and take a fresh, hard look from the beginning...God's beginning. We owe it to future generations to be better stewards than those currently failing us. What are we defending? Why and How?
Our land should be free from taxes and endless efforts to monetize our resources. And our Veterans should be free among these resources to seek the healing they need.
Meet the Founders
One event in the life and service of Lt. Col (Ret) Matthew Smith became the inspiration behind MBS Leadership.
On June 8th, 2013 Smith was serving as a Brigade Fire Support Officer and Lead Planner in the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division in Paktika, Afghanistan. Immediately following the day’s training session, an Afghan soldier bearing an American made M16 rifle shot Matt in the leg before murdering three U.S Army Officers.
Smith secured his own tourniquet and established a defensive position to continue the fight. He survived due to the grace of God and the swift actions of his team.
Sadly, this overall failed thought leadership of arming and training Afghans was in accordance with the policy developed by the Department of Defense and, inexplicably had the endorsement of most senior military leaders.
While recovering at Walter Reed, the Chief of Staff of the Army personally selected Smith to serve as the executive officer to oversee and edit the operational history of the Army’s service in Afghanistan from 2001 through 2014. This history can be read in the book Modern War in an Ancient Land.
Smith’s conclusions then and today; none of this was a good plan.
Matthew Smith

Adam Pilat

Adam received a phone call the day after Smith was shot. A nurse in Germany briefly apprised Adam that Smith was shot in the femoral artery and asked for a little help keeping him awake.
The friends recounted some childhood adventures as Smith faded in and out of consciousness.
Smith called Adam again in 2021. Adam had spent the last decade building Inspire Yoga. Smith asked for support with a new social engineering and tribal leadership project. Adam was all in with the plan from the first call.
Where Do We Start?
We want to take advantage of the new and simple private sector fund raising options and the ability to navigate land transactions quickly. We intend to pull private land in conversation districts off the market from development and then re-monetize the land slowly and sustainably based on its real value to the local community.
Our investors are primarily activists. However, most great activists know that eventually the economy catches up to understand the true value of things. In the short term, we need capital to buy up sensitive land. In the long term, we know our veterans will well represent the highest and best use of our land.